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The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team®

Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology.

It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.

- Patrick Lencioni

Wouldn't it be nice to avoid wasting time and energy on company politics and drama?


Would you like it if your team held itself accountable for the work?​


How would your team culture change if people had more fun working together?

What if you could...

... get to the real issues – quickly?

... build trust and courage throughout your team?

... help people take initiative and ownership in the team's collective results?


Good news - YOU CAN!

With the insights you gain through The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team,

you can:


Make better decisions – faster.

Gain real buy-in, not just the head nod.

Spend time debating real issues and drive innovation.


Gain competitive advantage through your greatest asset - your team!

When you build  a strong foundation of trust, engage in productive conflict around ideas, gain individual commitment to the team's success, and foster an environment of self-organizing accountability, you'll see real results.

Ready to find out ready your team is to deliver even better results?


Contact me now to find out more about the assessment and Workshop or scroll down for more information about The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team!

Are you ready for this?

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team assessment and workshop work in all kinds of teams.


To be most valuable, I look for teams where all these statements are true:


I'm a leader committed building a high​-performance team!


I have a team of 3-12 people who meet regularly and share responsibility for specific results.


My team is ready to invest the time and emotional effort needed to make real change. We're not looking for shortcuts!


We've been a team for at least 2 months and don't expect any major team changes any time soon.


Our current workload will allow us to spend a day in a workshop and a couple hours each week working on the model.

You can use this solution to help your team succeed.


Whether you're looking to raise the bar or address known problems, The Five Behaviors model offers a practical approach that will accelerate results!


People who think their coworkers admit their mistakes often enough.


People who think their team is effective because their coworkers are open enough with their real opinions.

People who believe their projects are successful because people put the needs of the team over their own.


There is always at least one area where a team can improve.


The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team assessment and workshop gives your team a practical set of tools you can start using immediately!

Image of the Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team assessment test report. Shows what the report cover will look like when someone takes the assessment.

You'll receive a customized report that's specifically tailored to your team.

Through the report and the one-day workshop, you'll be on the way to:


A shared language for talking about trust

Productive and lively "conflict" about ideas instead of office drama

Buy-in to decisions

Commitment to team goals instead of individual agendas

Self-managed team accountability when things don't happen

Improved results.

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The improvement your team will achieve with

The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team


The results are up to you.


But you have to start in order to get them.

Are you ready to find out how The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team® can help your team achieve real results?

Let's Talk!

If you'd rather have me contact you, send the information below so I'll know how to reach you.

Thanks! Message sent.

FiveBehaviorsOfACohesiveTeam Contact Form
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